02 October, 2020

Friendly Stunstick | Release Trailer

Friendly Stunstick - Media Update #1

With the release date coming up (less than 24 hours) we're working on finishing and polishing the mod. For now, new site is ready and lots of new screenshots are available!

We have way more screenshots available, so we recommend you to check out "Screenshots" tab!

28 September, 2020

We're not dead!

With the release date coming up we're working on getting the site ready, aswell as finishing and polishing some maps. Theres a second trailer coming up and lots of new screenshots accompanying it. Stay tuned!

14 September, 2020

Friendly Stunstick

Friendly Stunstick (FS) is a Physics Deathmatch mod for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. Instead of using guns, use a stunstick and the gravity gun to launch physics props at players. The mod features original maps filled with small and large props and explosive barrels giving players different options to kill their enemies. You can send a shipping container flying, blow players up with explosive barrels or hit them with your overpowered stunstick and send their bodies flying.